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Obli­ga­ti­on and con­tract law

Ano­ther lar­ge part of civil law covers all types of con­tracts. On the one hand, the­re are labour con­tracts bet­ween employees and employ­ers, whe­re in par­ti­cu­lar the work acti­vi­ty, the sala­ry, the sec­re­cy obli­ga­ti­ons and com­pe­ti­ti­on pro­hi­bi­ti­ons are regu­la­ted. In this area, the obli­ga­ti­on to con­ti­nue to pay wages, dis­mis­sal, over­ti­me, ill­ness and also the employer's refe­rence are fre­quent points of con­ten­ti­on. In the case of work con­tracts bet­ween buy­ers and con­trac­tors, it is regu­la­ted what the contractor/architect has to deli­ver as a work, what pri­ce appli­es and what hap­pens if someone does not ful­fil his obli­ga­ti­ons or if cos­ts are excee­ded or defects occur. In addi­ti­on to the regu­la­ti­ons in the OR and in the con­tracts, SIA stan­dards such as SIA-118 are often to be obser­ved. If the cus­to­mer does not pay the pri­ce, a buil­ding tradesman's lien can be regis­tered within strict­ly mana­ged short peri­ods. In ten­an­cy law ever­y­thing revol­ves around the ten­an­cy agree­ment bet­ween ten­ant and land­lord. Here, too, noti­ce peri­ods, rent or depo­sit depo­sits, rent increa­ses, reno­va­tions, expul­si­ons of ten­ants, etc. play an important role. We repre­sent you befo­re the courts as well as befo­re the arbi­tra­ti­on board for rent and lease.

For all con­tracts it is important that they are for­mu­la­ted cor­rect­ly and com­pre­hen­si­bly. Many tri­als have their ori­g­ins in mis­lea­ding wor­ding. We also offer you pro­fes­sio­nal sup­port in this area.