On-Call Service

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Tel: 041 440 33 43
Tel / Text Signal: 041 440 33 43
Tel / Text Threema: 041 440 33 43
Videokonferenz: auf Anfrage

Anwaltskanzlei Kost
Zentralstrasse 20
Postfach 1343
6031 Ebikon

Anwaltspraktikum: »siehe hier«

Übliche Bürozeiten:
MO-FR: 08:00 bis 17:00
SA: 09:00 bis 12:00 (Absprache)

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Urgen­tly need advice in an emergency?

If you are in a situa­ti­on and it is fore­seeable that you will need us out­side office hours, let us know in advan­ce. Then we can ensu­re com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with each other.

Sin­ce this is a stand-by number/emergency num­ber, usu­al calls to it are not desi­red: For nor­mal appoint­ment requests, non-urgent legal infor­ma­ti­on, etc., the office num­ber is available during office hours. If the stand-by num­ber is used, an increased fee appli­es. This rate also appli­es if it is not an urgent case, but the stand-by num­ber is used out­side office hours.

If you reach the ans­we­ring machi­ne, plea­se lea­ve us a mes­sa­ge with your details (tele­pho­ne num­ber, email or address) and a key­word for your case. We will call you back as soon as possible.

On-call ser­vice in cri­mi­nal defense

Are you being accu­sed by someone? Have you been sum­mo­ned by the poli­ce or pro­se­cu­ti­on? Or were you even arres­ted? As defen­ders, we can assist you, pre­fer­a­b­ly befo­re some­thing has hap­pen­ed. In urgent cases you can also reach us out­side office hours on our stand-by number.

On-call ser­vice in cyber­space / cyber­crime / com­pu­ter foren­sic cases

Have you dis­co­ver­ed there's an attack in pro­gress? Have you had data sto­len? Or is the public prosecutor's office with the poli­ce stan­ding in front of the ent­rance? In all cases, legal advice can be decisive.

For regu­lar stand­by duty it is pos­si­ble to con­clude con­tracts. If you have a need, do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us.