Land Transactions

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Search ser­vices from one source?
When sel­ling a house or buy­ing one's own apart­ment, various ques­ti­ons ari­se from a wide varie­ty of legal fields. We are at your side with legal infor­ma­ti­on in this situa­ti­on. In coope­ra­ti­on with local nota­ries, you will also recei­ve all the neces­sa­ry ser­vices and assis­tance from us from a sin­gle source.

Be it con­tracts for trans­fer of land (purcha­se of apart­ments, purcha­se of hou­ses, purcha­se of land), adjus­t­ments of mor­tga­ges (increa­ses, reduc­tions or mer­gers of mor­tga­ges), con­ver­si­ons of mor­tga­ges (regis­tered debt, paper debt in the form of bea­rer debt or regis­tered debt) or adjus­t­ments of ease­ment con­tracts, etc.

Law on pro­per­ty (mov­a­bles, land, ease­ments, liens)
In pro­per­ty law, the right to things is regu­la­ted. Mova­ble pro­per­ty (fur­ni­tu­re) and immo­va­ble pro­per­ty (real estate, land, free­hold flats) can, for exam­p­le, be given as grounds for pos­ses­si­on and owner­ship. The owner­ship in turn can be desi­gned as sole owner­ship, co-owner­ship or joint owner­ship. In addi­ti­on, the­re are (limi­t­ed) rights in rem to things such as various ease­ments (buil­ding rights, sewing rights, etc.) as well as pre-emp­ti­on rights or purcha­se rights, to name but a few. In many cases, they are only crea­ted through ent­ry in the land regis­ter on the basis of a public deed issued by a nota­ry. In the land regis­ter you will also find remarks, preli­mi­na­ries, col­la­te­ral liens and, if appli­ca­ble, remarks on them as well as ser­vices. Ease­ments entit­le one per­son, ease­ments on the other hand ano­ther pro­per­ty, wher­eby the owner can be iden­ti­cal. Also owner liens, owner buil­ding rights or owner ease­ments in gene­ral are possible.

Pro­per­ties also include flo­ors. If real estate is traded – the owner­ship chan­ges from the sel­ler to the buy­er – it is essen­ti­al to con­trol the sales con­tracts. The secu­ring of the purcha­se pri­ce and the war­ran­ty rights play an important role here. In addi­ti­on, the sale of real estate to for­eig­ners is limi­t­ed (Lex Kol­ler). In con­nec­tion with flo­ors, ques­ti­ons fre­quent­ly ari­se about flo­or owner mee­tings, in par­ti­cu­lar regar­ding mee­ting reso­lu­ti­ons, their chall­enge and vali­di­ty, the manage­ment con­tract, struc­tu­ral chan­ges (ordi­na­ry, neces­sa­ry and urgent, useful or luxu­rious), reno­va­ti­on, dra­wing up and amen­ding a flo­or owner regulation.

We advi­se you in all are­as of pro­per­ty law and offer you a direct inter­face to local notaries.