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Cyber­crime is com­mon­place. As a rule, Cyber­crime is not noti­ced at all or not imme­dia­te­ly. Many dif­fe­rent phe­no­me­na can be sum­ma­ri­zed under the key­word cyber­crime, and the various par­ties invol­ved have dif­fe­rent inte­rests. Cyber­crime is often unders­tood to include hack­ing, phis­hing, com­pu­ter fraud, iden­ti­ty theft, data theft, data cor­rup­ti­on, inter­cep­ti­on of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, but also the spread of viru­s­es and other mal­wa­re. As a law firm, we sup­port you in such cases.

As a indi­vi­du­al or entre­pre­neur you want to pro­tect yours­elf pre­ven­tively against pos­si­ble effects of cyber­crime. If it is alre­a­dy too late, it is about not des­troy­ing any evi­dence and coll­ec­ting ever­y­thing that is rele­vant. Depen­ding on the balan­ce of inte­rests, it may be neces­sa­ry to go to an aut­ho­ri­ty (e.g. a data pro­tec­tion offi­cer or the public prosecutor's office). If the attack has taken place from within the com­pa­ny, ques­ti­ons ari­se about how to deal with the per­pe­tra­tor, how to deal with any image pro­blems, how to adapt pro­ces­ses or how to train staff. We offer you a pro­fes­sio­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on strategy.

Rough­ly spea­king, the aim is on the one hand to arrest cyber­cri­mi­nals, often refer­red to as hackers (cri­mi­nal hackers are cal­led "black hats"), and on the other hand to pre­vent hacker attacks and data theft. Other long-run­ning pro­blems are copy­right inf­rin­ge­ments through file sha­ring, hack­ing and com­pu­ter or Inter­net fraud.

If one is on the side of the assaul­ted per­son or com­pa­ny, ques­ti­ons regar­ding inci­dent respon­se, pre­ser­va­ti­on of evi­dence, deal­ing with the per­pe­tra­tors, aut­ho­ri­ties and media as well as pre­ven­ti­on must be ans­we­red. Our expe­ri­ence as legal repre­sen­ta­ti­ves on both sides bene­fits you.

As com­pu­ter acti­vist or as defen­dant you want to pro­tect your rights in a tri­al. So-cal­led «white hats» are often con­fron­ted with cri­mi­nal accu­sa­ti­ons, even though the­re is no cri­mi­nal intent behind their actions. In order to be com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly defen­ded, no mat­ter whe­ther you are a cyber acti­vist, a white or a black hat, you need sound tech­ni­cal know-how. It is essen­ti­al to be able to pre­sent the­se tech­ni­cal aspects to third par­ties so that they can be unders­tood by ever­yo­ne, inclu­ding laypersons.

Due to our wide expe­ri­ence with tech­no­lo­gy and our spe­ci­fic know­ledge about com­pu­ter and net­work tech­no­lo­gy, we can offer you com­pre­hen­si­ve advice. Fre­quent topics are pro­tec­tion against cyber­cri­mi­nals from a tech­ni­cal and orga­niza­tio­nal point of view. In addi­ti­on, the­re are legal aspects, e.g. regar­ding lia­bi­li­ty issues or com­pli­ance with the Data Pro­tec­tion Act. If you are on the «dark side» as a defen­dant, then ques­ti­ons ari­se as to whe­ther the acts are at all punis­ha­ble and whe­ther they can be proven.