
PGP: Key
Tel: 041 440 33 43
Signal: 041 440 33 43
Threema: 041 440 33 43
Videokonferenz: auf Anfrage
Anwaltskanzlei Kost
Zentralstrasse 20
Postfach 1343
6031 Ebikon
Übliche Bürozeiten:
MO-FR: 08:00 bis 17:00
SA: 09:00 bis 12:00 (Absprache)
Pikettdienst: »siehe hier«
Blog Beiträge:
»Karte in OpenStreetMap öffnen«
»Karte in Google Maps öffnen«
»Kartenlinks mailen«
On the Internet there are very often offensive statements through insults, accusations, insults or the publication of photographs or other images. If photographs are published, this usually affects the right to one's own image. Search engines and social platforms such as Facebook, Xing, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr etc. store everything they receive; the Internet never forgets. Deleting entries, removing images or search results and tracking malicious Internet users is often difficult because the necessary know-how is lacking. The Internet seems to be a legal vacuum today. But this is not the case.
If your personality is hurt on the Internet, we help you to defend yourself against it. In everyday life, cyberbullying, slander and defamation on the Internet, blackmail with intimate data (e.g. pictures or videos) and identity theft occur in this area. If you are not sure about the risks you face when publishing on the Internet or other media, or what possibilities exist to defend yourself, we can give you an assessment.