Protection Of Personality and Social Media

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Zentralstrasse 20
Postfach 1343
6031 Ebikon

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»Karte in OpenStreetMap öffnen«
»Karte in Google Maps öffnen«
»Kartenlinks mailen«

Per­so­nal pri­va­cy pro­tec­tion on the Inter­net / Social Media / Mobbing
On the Inter­net the­re are very often offen­si­ve state­ments through insults, accu­sa­ti­ons, insults or the publi­ca­ti­on of pho­to­graphs or other images. If pho­to­graphs are published, this usual­ly affects the right to one's own image. Search engi­nes and social plat­forms such as Face­book, Xing, Lin­ke­dIn, Insta­gram, Tumb­lr etc. store ever­y­thing they recei­ve; the Inter­net never for­gets. Dele­ting ent­ries, remo­ving images or search results and track­ing mali­cious Inter­net users is often dif­fi­cult becau­se the neces­sa­ry know-how is lack­ing. The Inter­net seems to be a legal vacu­um today. But this is not the case. 

If your per­so­na­li­ty is hurt on the Inter­net, we help you to defend yours­elf against it. In ever­y­day life, cyber­bul­ly­ing, slan­der and defa­ma­ti­on on the Inter­net, black­mail with inti­ma­te data (e.g. pic­tures or vide­os) and iden­ti­ty theft occur in this area. If you are not sure about the risks you face when publi­shing on the Inter­net or other media, or what pos­si­bi­li­ties exist to defend yours­elf, we can give you an assessment.