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Email: img
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Tel: 041 440 33 43
Signal: 041 440 33 43
Threema: 041 440 33 43
Videokonferenz: auf Anfrage

Anwaltskanzlei Kost
Zentralstrasse 20
Postfach 1343
6031 Ebikon

Übliche Bürozeiten:
MO-FR: 08:00 bis 17:00
SA: 09:00 bis 12:00 (Absprache)

Pikettdienst: »siehe hier«

Blog Beiträge:


»Karte in OpenStreetMap öffnen«
»Karte in Google Maps öffnen«
»Kartenlinks mailen«

Team Anwaltskanzlei Kost

Seek advice on a legal matter?

As a law firm in and around Lucer­ne, we repre­sent you befo­re courts, aut­ho­ri­ties and arbi­tra­ti­on boards. We advi­se you in advan­ce on a wide ran­ge of civil and cri­mi­nal law mat­ters so that you do not even have to go to court in the first place.


Vio­la Schilter-Kost
Att­or­ney-at-law, MLaw


Roman Kost
Att­or­ney-at-law, MLaw, CAS IS, BSc ICS
Djo­ko Knezevic
Legal, MLaw


Fran­zis­ka Winterberger
Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on & Redak­ti­on, M.A. in Cul­tu­ral Studies


Pir­min Egli
Kon­su­lent Tech­nik und Netzwerke

You can't find a direct email address on this page? This is intentional.
For the first cont­act you can use the gene­ral address img.

E-Mail over­hau­led the let­ter post today. We the­r­e­fo­re only publish direct email addres­ses on a need to know basis. This pre­vents that the addres­ses are known to the who­le Inter­net. This redu­ces spam, viru­s­es and attacks; not only for us, but also for you. With a short call on 041 440 33 43 you will recei­ve the desi­red mail address imme­dia­te­ly. Out­side office hours or if you are busy at the moment, you can speak to us on tape and lea­ve us your own e-mail address. You will then recei­ve an ans­wer at the next opportunity.

Do you want to com­mu­ni­ca­te via text mes­sa­ges? You can reach us via "Signal"!
SMS, Whats­App, Goog­le Han­gOuts etc. are wide­spread and offer the pos­si­bi­li­ty to exch­an­ge infor­ma­ti­on easi­ly and quick­ly. The­se appli­ca­ti­ons are very popu­lar, but do not pro­tect your pri­va­cy. If you want a more direct line to our office, we offer you "Signal".

Signal is com­ple­te­ly open source and was deve­lo­ped by secu­ri­ty spe­cia­lists. It offers 1:1 encryp­ti­on so that no unaut­ho­ri­zed per­sons can lis­ten in. The who­le thing is as simp­le as wri­ting a nor­mal SMS. In addi­ti­on, with "Signal" you can make encrypt­ed calls to us over the Inter­net with just one keystroke.

Instal­la­ti­on of "Signal"
Save the office num­ber (041 440 33 43) on your smart­phone in the cont­act list. Then install the signal for "Linux / Win­dows / Mac", "Android" or "iPho­ne". That's all. You can now wri­te to us direct­ly and secu­re­ly and call us encrypted.